zondag 22 april 2012

online sha1,md5,adler en crc berekening

Voor online berekening van  sha1, md5, rot13, adler32 crc32 
hexadecimale waardes, ascii en shannon entropy

klik: http://m.dataweg.nl/DumpData.py

zie ook cryptocalc.appspot.com

zaterdag 14 april 2012

processing in Netbeans

  • Install netbeans
  • New project -> java -> java Application
  • Fill in the project Name and the main class
  • click on finish

check in the project list and verify
 that new project is in the list.

Add the Processing Library core.jar. It is at the Processing files.

Give the file a name and add you're processing code.
Add @Overwrite all the processing functions( setup main mouse ...) 

Change the main file Ball.class add in the main call:

  public static void main(String[] args) {
        PApplet.main(new String[] {"--present", "nl.dataweg.ball.Ball"});

donderdag 12 april 2012