woensdag 18 september 2013

Make a movie out of jpg ffmpeg

How to make a movie out of a bunch of jpg or png.

ffmpeg -y  -r 5 -i "image_%04d_today.jpg" output.m4v

-r 5  5 frames per second (normally 25)

Pipe all jpg
cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -r 1 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec libx264 out.mp4

How to make a calculation.

1 day = 86400 sec

You would like to make a film of 10 sec in one day.
For 10 secondes you need 10 x 25 frames. So that means 250 jpg's.
86400 / 250 is  345 
So once in the 345 sec a picture has to be taken.

vrijdag 30 augustus 2013

raspberry met kali

login root/toor

ssh root


mv /Users/XXX/.ssh/known_hosts known_hosts.old

man nmap

nano /etc/network/interfaces
ifconfig -a             //show all interfaces
airmon-ng start wlan0
airodump-ng mon0                  // show all wifi routers
airodump-ng --bssid 00:23:69:19:7A:A7 --channel 10 --write test mon0



  • 200 gr suiker
  • 200 gr bloem
  • 150 gr boter
  • 100 gr amandel schaafsel
  • citroen schil
  • 500 gr bramen
  • ei
  • kaneel

  1. Suiker, bloem, schil, boter, half ei, kaneel  tot deeg mengen 
  2. Bakblik bekleden met helft deeg.
  3. Bramen en amandel schaafsel er in.
  4. Andere helft deeg als deksel er boven
  5. Gaatjes in deeg deksel prikken.
  6. ei uitstrijken over het deeg.

40 min  200 graden

donderdag 13 juni 2013

terminal hacking


software for card communication


woensdag 22 mei 2013

recept choco pasta

200 gr zwarte chocolade
4 eetlepels suiker
4 eieren
1/4 pakje boter (1/4 van 250 gr)

chocolade + boter + suiker au bain marie smelten
Dooiers er bij
Stijf geklopte eiwit er bij

woensdag 24 april 2013

python uninstall osx

where is my python

which python
which python2.7

remove python in Applications

  1. remove the Python 2.7 framework
    sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
  2. remove the Python 2.7 applications directory
    sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Python 2.7"
  3. remove the symbolic links in /usr/local/bin that point to this python version seels -l /usr/local/bin
    remove python installed with pkg installer
    pkgutil --pkgs | grep org.python.Python
    remove python installed with homebrew
    remove python installed with fink
    python is installed in /sw directory
    sudo -r rm /sw
    sudo fink uninstall python
    remove python installed with macport
    python is installed in /opt directory
    port -y -u uninstall
    sudo port uninstall python27
    sudo port -f uninstall --follow-dependents python27

    extra work
    remove the symbolic links in /usr/local/bin that point to this python version seels -l /usr/local/bin
    sudo rm /usr/bin/python2.7
    .profile or .bash_profile 
    remove the python stuff in:
    open -t ~/.bash_profile

zondag 21 april 2013

apt-get op MCOSX

Gebruik fink


goede beschrijving:

Op mijn mac book air

download file: