dinsdag 5 december 2017

raspberry pi short reference

Make SD disk - MAC OS X
Option 1
df -h
unzip ~/Downloads/2012-12-16-wheezy-raspbian.zip

diskutil list    //find the correct /dev/diskx
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 

sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2012-10-28-wheezy-raspbian/2012-12-16-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/disk1

sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2017-03-02-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/disk2

CTRL T gives information about process

diskutil mountDisk /dev/diskx

Option 2
format disk met SDFormat option full
copy NOOB files on disk

Setup on SD
1 Place an empty file ssh in the root path in order to get ssh access
2 edit wpa_supplicant.conf add (file is removed after booting): 
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

3 edit config.txt and add:
#Enable UART

4 boot and login with 
ssh pi@rasberry.local password raspberry

sudo raspi-config     // config screen
sudo apt-get update   // install new versions of software fetch the package list
sudo apt-get upgrade  // will fetch new versions of packages existing on the machine
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade //same as upgrade but also dependencies

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

iface eth0 inet static //static 

iface eth0 inet dhcp    //DHCP

allow-hotplug wlan0         //wifi
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

sudo more /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
pairwise=CCMP TKIP

Multiple networks 
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev



auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

iface school inet static

iface home inet static

  Network problems 
1 Check that the hardware is connected (lights on both ends) or with iwconfig wlan0 (for WiFi)
2. Check that the kernel can see the hardware with:

ifconfig -a
3. Check that you active interface has an IP address 

ifconfig eth0 
ifconfig wlan0

4. Check the kernel routing table 

route -n (or ip route)
sudo route add default gw wlan0

5. Check you can ping your gateway (you get the gateway address from the route command)
6. Check you can ping (Google's DNS server)

7. Check you can resolve host names (ping google.com)

Simple Unix command
ls            //list files
which  pwd    //where is my pwd command
lsusb         //show USB devices
cp   file1 file2    // copy
mv   file1 file3    // rename of move
df -h               // show mounted filesystems

sudo apt-get install netatalk
in Finder hit ⌘K. Enter afp://

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install samba
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf        //edit config file 
sudo service samba restart      //iedere keer als je iets veranderd

workgroup = workgroup
server string = %h
wins support = no
dns proxy = no
security = share
encrypt passwords = yes
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d


path = /mnt/data
writeable = yes
broweable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes
force user = root

sudo smbpasswd -a john             //add samba user 
sudo mkdir /mnt/data
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/data

Change host name
sudo nano /etc/hostname 
sudo nano /etc/hosts 

sudo reboot    //reboot
sudo halt      //stop

sudo adduser john         // make new user
sudo adduser john sudo    // make user sudo
sudo nano /etc/sudoers

sudo fdisk -l             // show attached drives

Add hard disk
sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g   //install Read NTFS 
sudo apt-get install hfsplus
sudo blkid                // show all 
nano /etc/fstab           // mount at start up
/dev/sd       /mnt/data       ntfs    defaults        0       0
sudo mount -a 

Video Web cam
sudo apt-get install motion
sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf
daemon  ON
webcam_localhost  OFF
sudo service motion start
sudo nano /etc/default/motion

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

VNC  remote desktop 
apt-get install tightvncserver
vncserver :1 -geometry 800x600 -depth 24

if server is started on 1 this means port 5901
in finder (connect icon)  vnc://

Apache webserver
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
AddHandler cgi-script .py
sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.py

special raspberry ROM's / images:

MotionPi: use the camera for spying or for video

ssh root@
use password after the dash name router

use find to find IP adres of the raspberry 
admin ; no password
use vi for editing files 
set wifi password and SIID of the router in /data/etc/wpa_ ... 

sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
sudo apt-get install mpg321
sudo apt-get install lame

(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master/resources/update-nodejs-and-nodered)


In safari

npm install node-red-node-mongodb

sudo apt-get install mongodb-server
sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf             //edit config paths 
/var/log/mongod                       // look into the logs
mongod                                // start server
mongod --dbpath /data/db --repair     // repair if RPi shutdown un
show dbs                              // show databases
use Mydb
show collections                      // show collections
db.createCollection(“my collection”)  // Make a collection
db.mycollection.remove()              // remove collection

db.addUser( { user: "joe",
... pwd: "secret",
... roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]
... } )             //Webinterface

dinsdag 3 oktober 2017

Sound pictures audio analyzes

Sound picture: An audio analysis of the song If i Loved You Barbra Streisand

Formants are strong frequency peaks (transients)

The work on my audio skils i used this song. 

written bij Oskar hammerstein

If I loved you,
Time and again I would try to say
All I'd want you to know.
If I loved you,
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
Round in circles I'd go!
Longin' to tell you,
But afraid and shy,
I'd let my golden chances pass me by!
Soon you'd leave me,
Off you would go in the mist of day,
Never, never to know how I loved you
If I loved you.

The data 
The youtube film 

grab the sound
youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 
The song is a small story. As barbra describes if  her self the song must have a beginning and an end.

used tools

Now why is this so beautiful phrased?

the phrase afraid 
Pitch is the fundamental frequency (steady)
The pitch goes from 3768 slightly up to 393
and at the end the vibrato

Barbra Streisand Longest C#5 Belt Note 19 Seconds !

In praat 

woensdag 3 mei 2017

micro bit pairing bluetooth problems


1 problems

I flashed code into my micro:bit via Bluetooth and it no longer works.

2 Can my phone /tablet pair with the micro:bit?

Since the BBC micro:bit employs the low energy version of Bluetooth wireless communication, the iPhone or iPad running the app must have Bluetooth low energy capability. Unfortunately this excludes some older models. Basicly all new android phones/tablet and apple device will work.

3 Normal pairing how does it work?

The method of pairing requires holding down buttons A and B and pressing and releasing the RESET button. Normally, A and B need to be held until the message “PAIRING MODE..” begins to scroll across the LEDs. The requirement of entering a pattern and 6-digit code ensures security in an environment where there may be several micro:bits.

4 re-instate Bluetooth after previously using MicroPython


A compiled HEX file contains not only your script code but also ‘runtime’ and ‘bootloader’ code. Bluetooth communication depends upon the runtime and bootloader code in micro:bit. If the runtime or bootloader code in micro:bit is corrupted or overwritten with incompatible code, Bluetooth flashing and pairing will fail, and the only method of restoring it is to flash a suitable HEX file from a computer via a USB cable. Touch Develop and the Block Editor compile suitable HEX files. Currently, HEX files compiled from python scripts are not compatible with Bluetooth. From time to time the runtime and bootloader code from the website is updated, so it is good practice to create fresh HEX files by re-compiling your scripts.

6 What if I do not want to pair?

Bluetooth pairing takes time. n your project folder's root, you should have a file called config.json. All you need to do is ensure there's a property of the bluetooth json object called 'open' which has a value of 1. open=1 means 'no security'. Here's the first part of my config.json file:
    "microbit-dal": {
        "bluetooth": {
            "enabled": 1,
            "pairing_mode": 1,
            "open": 0,
            "dfu_service": 0,
            "event_service": 0,
            "device_info_service": 1
        "gatt_table_size": "0x700"

7 Is your micro:bit board in Maintenance mode by mistake?

Author: 10A
Created: 2017-05-04 Thu 11:53
Emacs (Org mode 8.2.10)

donderdag 23 maart 2017

Common Criteria

CCRA  Common Criteria World wide organisation responsible for the CC m ethology

Methodology documentation:





labs and schems: 


Certified products:

SOGIS:  European community



Interpretation of the european working group JIL


NSCIB Nederlandse schema: 

Interpretation of the CC methodology
tuv rheinland

zondag 26 februari 2017

Remove in block

Make template
make a file called noinblock.tplx and add:

% extend the default article template:
((* extends 'article.tplx' *))

% display input without prompts:
((* block input scoped *))

((* endblock input *))

% treat execute_result (output with prompt) as display_data (output without prompt)
((* block execute_result scoped *))
    ((* block display_data scoped *))
        ((( super() )))
    ((* endblock display_data *))
((* endblock execute_result *))


$ jupyter nbconvert rapport.ipynb --to pdf --template noinblock

zaterdag 28 januari 2017

Dit waren de namen in Delft 1815-1915

De gemeente delft heeft de archieven open gezet en je kunt de bestanden tegenwoordig downloaden van hun website. http://www.archief-delft.nl/download/open-data-bs-geboorten-delft/

De lijst bevat 81790 van kinderen die in Delft geboren zijn tussen 1815 en 1915. Er zijn 2000 verschillende voornamen.

De kans  dat je Johanna of Johannes heette was groot.
Johanna, 5070
Johannes', 5482

Alle namen in Delft tussen 1815-1915

  • Het geslacht van het kind werd niet genoteerd

Ook geïnteresseerd in de rest van de namen kijk hieronder:

{'Andreas': 101, 'Geertruid': 1, 'Peternellij': 1, 'Pietronella': 16, 'Florentius': 5, 'Jordanus': 2, 'Annette': 3, 'Josiena': 1, 'Annetta': 12, 'Marcellus': 1, 'Catrijna': 1, 'Livingstone': 6, 'Anganetha': 1, 'Cathriena': 1, 'Wietske': 1, 'Engelbert': 5, 'Hendrikis': 1, 'Arnout': 1, 'Henri': 102, 'Grieta': 2, 'Judina': 5, 'Wijbrand': 7, 'Henry': 3, 'Volkert': 5, 'Sebelia': 3, 'Benjamina': 1, 'Thomas': 101, 'Bartholomeus': 153, 'Rymert': 1, 'Machielus': 3, 'Louiza': 32, 'Ottilie': 1, 'Louize': 3, 'Glijn': 1, 'Herm': 1, 'Guillemetta': 5, 'Apolonia': 166, 'Rudolfina': 1, 'Paul': 17, 'Garriet': 1, 'Jantje': 16, 'Matthea': 1, 'Marinus': 377, 'Arietta': 1, 'Gideon': 3, 'Louwerens': 2, 'Hazia': 2, 'Charle': 1, 'Meelis': 3, 'Jaaike': 1, 'Sally': 1, 'Naatje': 13, 'Cunegonda': 1, 'Albin': 1, 'Gerrarda': 1, 'Gerritje': 142, 'Gregoria': 1, 'Kwierina': 1, 'Tijmen': 2, 'Bastiana': 12, 'Ernest': 3, 'Stephanie': 1, 'Obadje': 1, 'Sanderijntje': 1, 'Dominique': 1, 'Angenitha': 3, 'Cchristiaan': 1, 'Elisabeth': 1286, 'Andre': 1, 'Dingena': 11, 'Sijsina': 1, 'Tjerk': 1, 'Lense': 1, 'Servais': 1, 'Elbert': 1, 'Tryntje': 6, 'Agnita': 2, 'Wybrand': 2, 'Frouwkje': 1, 'Clotilde': 1, 'Rudolfia': 1, 'Wijnandina': 1, 'Lotje': 1, 'Johanns': 1, 'Mathijs': 3, 'Laurina': 2, 'Bersina': 2, 'Wilhemina': 2, 'Johanna': 5070, 'Johanne': 1, 'Crijna': 1, 'Christina': 495, 'Christine': 4, 'Aukes': 1, 'Maaike': 23, 'Siet': 1, 'Wencislaus': 1, 'Salomon': 11, 'Christianus': 62, 'Willlemina': 1, 'Merk': 4, 'Jannie': 1, 'Elwina': 1, 'Achilles': 1, 'Guilielmus': 1, 'Krijna': 27, 'Stephina': 1, 'Sara': 221, 'Bruno': 3, 'Godfreij': 1, 'Mijnsje': 3, 'Feija': 1, 'Edmond': 1, 'Agneta': 2, 'Sebastianus': 10, 'Kornelius': 3, 'Josep': 1, 'Cunera': 2, 'Jetze': 1, 'Jozijntje': 3, 'Goudina': 1, 'Laurens': 101, 'Laurent': 1, 'Lucas': 58, 'Wilt': 2, 'Elisabet': 1, 'Emanuel': 7, 'Idske': 1, 'Wilhelmina': 1251, 'Janetta': 1, 'Wilhelmine': 5, 'Janette': 1, 'Arremina': 1, 'Jeanette': 12, 'Heimans': 1, 'Maggeltje': 4, 'Fannij': 2, 'Huberdina': 7, 'Wolf': 2, 'Catrharina': 1, 'Sierach': 4, 'Willy': 5, 'Ernestus': 5, 'Aldert': 4, 'Philemina': 1, 'Jules': 3, 'Hille': 2, 'Willm': 1, 'Aloijsius': 14, 'Hilla': 1, 'Constantein': 1, 'Andrias': 1, 'Oepkes': 1, 'Hero': 1, 'Leonie': 1, 'Menno': 1, 'Passchier': 1, 'Ursul': 1, 'Sebastiaan': 7, 'Dora': 6, 'Jozephus': 1, 'Phillippina': 1, 'Huijbertje': 1, 'Annechiena': 1, 'Bregje': 4, 'Ignatius': 6, 'Ytske': 1, 'Janke': 9, 'Maximilaan': 1, 'Aike': 2, 'Anastasius': 1, 'Tjeerd': 1, 'Geurtje': 1, 'Derk': 11, 'Yzak': 3, 'Matthaeus': 1, 'Huibertha': 2, 'Cunnegonda': 1, 'Adalia': 1, 'Eliza': 9, 'Elize': 2, 'Antoine': 6, 'Hilkje': 1, 'Gustav': 1, 'Ettiena': 1, 'Wilhelminus': 2, 'Hillebrand': 7, 'William': 4, 'Piet': 10, 'Pier': 1, 'Napoleon': 1, 'Jeanne': 29, 'Gijberta': 1, 'Salvatore': 1, 'Vincenzo': 1, 'Wensel': 1, 'Sijgje': 2, 'Arijetta': 1, 'Adrina': 1, 'Heijnderik': 3, 'Ottolina': 2, 'Ottoline': 1, 'Nicolas': 5, 'Cicilia': 5, 'Arramiena': 1, 'Dimmen': 1, 'Adolf': 23, 'Eddo': 1, 'Etienne': 1, 'IJda': 1, 'Hillegonda': 73, 'Albertinus': 2, 'Eike': 1, 'Jaapie': 1, 'Martientje': 2, 'Bastiaan': 79, 'Gojardus': 1, 'Appolonia': 3, 'Rebecca': 11, 'Alexander': 85, 'Henrietta': 55, 'Joannis': 4, 'Maarten': 74, 'Gertruida': 1, 'Rutg\xc3\xa9ra': 1, 'Jaantien': 3, 'Saartje': 13, 'Ilse': 1, 'Frithjof': 1, 'Franciscus': 610, 'Elizabetha': 9, 'Theophiel': 1, 'Adele': 1, 'Henricus': 140, 'Alo\xc3\xafsia': 1, 'Lucius': 1, 'Siska': 1, 'Christoffelina': 1, 'Josinus': 1, 'Georgius': 26, 'Johannes': 5482, 'Creina': 1, 'Fokko': 2, 'Fokke': 3, 'Theo': 1, 'Fabianus': 1, 'Sya': 3, 'Magdalina': 1, 'Christian': 2, 'Emerentia': 1, 'Bartholomea': 2, 'Albert': 85, 'Caterine': 1, 'Vasterina': 2, 'Aukje': 3, 'Margraretha': 1, 'Wilhelmis': 1, 'Gabriel': 16, 'Samira': 1, 'Huiberdina': 20, 'Jelle': 3, 'Sietse': 1, 'Godefrides': 1, 'Wilhelmia': 1, 'Geertruijda': 19, 'Jacques': 13, 'Ytje': 1, 'Christoffel': 70, 'Jillis': 2, 'Philippina': 31, 'Philippine': 2, 'Stefanus': 1, 'Siepke': 1, 'Jurdina': 1, 'Jozua': 1, 'Michelina': 1, 'Emelina': 1, 'Carel': 134, 'Anne': 16, 'Anna': 1699, 'Wybiena': 1, 'Wilmina': 1, 'Sietsche': 1, 'Framciscus': 1, 'Klaas': 59, 'Hilletje': 7, 'Femmina': 1, 'Henoch': 3, 'Henriejetta': 1, 'Francina': 208, 'Elzerina': 1, 'Ursalina': 1, 'Magdalena': 221, 'Geerlof': 1, 'Hendrika': 871, 'Maurits': 13, 'Rik': 1, 'Trijntje': 122, 'Geertien': 1, 'Stientje': 2, 'Nicoline': 2, 'Mauritz': 1, 'Ria': 1, 'Geertuida': 4, 'Machielis': 1, 'Wouterina': 15, 'Koen': 1, 'Gorie': 1, 'Goletta': 6, 'John': 7, 'Arendje': 28, 'Helenus': 2, 'Mathilde': 4, 'Henrika': 1, 'Mathilda': 37, 'Deliaantje': 4, 'Fronica': 1, 'Arijaantje': 2, 'Baartje': 1, 'Toos': 1, 'Egmond': 2, 'Angenies': 2, 'Dirkse': 1, 'Fitje': 1, 'Aloijse': 1, 'Aloijsa': 1, 'Pieternela': 1, 'Jisselina': 1, 'Doris': 1, 'Veronica': 4, 'Thonius': 1, 'Koerlina': 1, 'Arens': 1, 'Laura': 1, 'Fijntje': 1, 'Lidewina': 1, 'Jo\xc3\xabl': 1, 'Guurtruida': 1, 'Gijbertus': 2, 'Geerruida': 1, 'Emmetje': 1, 'Riemke': 4, 'Huibje': 2, 'Ingetje': 16, 'Lamberdina': 20, 'Lambert': 10, 'Agina': 1, 'Constantia': 8, 'Euphemia': 5, 'Anton': 56, 'Geertje': 72, 'Ijda': 6, 'Kleem': 3, 'Inkje': 1, 'Ludevicus': 1, 'Herold': 1, 'Emmert': 2, 'Sijbranda': 1, 'Gerbrand': 1, 'Machtilda': 10, 'Obberdina': 1, 'Haasje': 4, 'Emmarentia': 1, 'Doortje': 2, 'Elie': 5, 'Dries': 1, 'Jannigje': 14, 'Elia': 1, 'Barthel': 3, 'Alida': 894, 'Egbert': 9, 'Henri\xc3\xabtte': 1, 'Katarina': 1, 'Jassina': 1, 'Jenneke': 19, 'Arij': 164, 'Wange': 3, 'Baltasar': 1, 'Seitje': 1, 'Aria': 2, 'Arie': 628, 'Pauwelina': 1, 'Hesselius': 1, 'Aris': 3, 'Gestina': 1, 'Elbertina': 2, 'Ysbrand': 3, 'Jacqueline': 4, 'Jaike': 2, 'Marytje': 1, 'Aantje': 2, 'Eldert': 6, 'Gerdinus': 1, 'Catharine': 3, 'Pieternelle': 1, 'Catharina': 1958, 'Pieternella': 369, 'Sentina': 3, 'Amelia': 7, 'Amelie': 1, 'Dilia': 1, 'Centina': 1, 'Clacina': 1, 'Ricordus': 2, 'Jacomina': 75, 'Ageletta': 1, 'Philippis': 1, 'Fredrika': 2, 'Maatje': 6, 'Clementina': 1, 'Fredrike': 1, 'Clementine': 1, 'Egberta': 4, 'Meijntje': 3, 'Mina': 15, 'Sonja': 1, 'Jaapje': 21, 'Gertrudis': 2, 'Ren\xc3\xa9': 1, 'Dieudonn\xc3\xa9e': 1, 'Jesaias': 2, 'Anhonius': 1, 'Madelaine': 3, 'Bartholomi': 1, 'Celus': 1, 'Tjetje': 3, 'Goverdina': 11, 'Corstiana': 1, 'Margaretha': 627, 'Margarethe': 1, 'Ferdinandus': 13, 'Leonard': 32, 'Philip': 20, 'Lodewikus': 1, 'Magaritha': 1, 'Roberta': 4, 'D': 1, 'James': 4, 'Alice': 2, 'Nadje': 1, 'Gerard': 84, 'Emilia': 5, 'Angeneta': 4, 'Rudolf': 9, 'Emilie': 2, 'Ary': 18, 'Michele': 1, 'Eugelina': 1, 'Jantjen': 2, 'Ysak': 1, 'Lize': 1, 'Steven': 9, 'Ari': 1, 'Ysac': 1, 'Franciskus': 6, 'Reintje': 2, 'Roselina': 1, 'Adrieanus': 1, 'Diederik': 10, 'Francoise': 1, 'Tina': 2, 'Josepha': 7, 'Mu\xc3\xbcs': 1, 'Peternella': 5, 'Lea': 2, 'Annigje': 9, 'Maaijke': 1, 'Leo': 13, 'Elderina': 1, 'Andrianna': 1, 'Schelto': 1, 'Gerrit': 588, 'Schelte': 1, 'Hadeweij': 1, 'Hesje': 2, 'Rijnardus': 1, 'Melle': 3, 'Julia': 2, 'Aaldrik': 1, 'Gerrid': 1, 'Georgiena': 1, 'Eduardus': 3, 'Amalie': 1, 'Amalia': 5, 'Hendrich': 2, 'Elta': 1, 'Marigje': 1, 'Fijgje': 1, 'Jurrien': 18, 'Marius': 16, 'Tieleman': 2, 'Nelis': 1, 'Ijke': 1, 'Geertruyda': 3, 'Jabobus': 1, 'Jeannetta': 7, 'Heintje': 5, 'Jeannette': 24, 'Wijbe': 2, 'Jannegie': 1, 'Nelia': 4, 'Martha': 42, 'Huibertje': 16, 'Sientje': 8, 'Laurendina': 1, 'Romke': 8, 'Dieudonn\xc3\xa9': 1, 'Aloysius': 7, 'Lourentius': 2, 'Gaele': 1, 'Sjoerd': 3, 'Hans': 3, 'Lourens': 5, 'Catarina': 3, 'Immina': 1, 'Hermannus': 1, 'Elsina': 1, 'Laurentius': 27, 'Ridder': 1, 'Ermpje': 1, 'Heiman': 1, 'Jean': 73, 'Hendrikje': 6, 'Marianna': 17, 'Gerardiena': 2, 'Marianne': 7, 'Bartelina': 1, 'Hijman': 1, 'Adrinaus': 2, 'Ageneta': 1, 'Cilia': 1, 'Gerke': 1, 'Cent': 10, 'Edouard': 4, 'Gerben': 3, 'Wolterus': 2, 'Cathalina': 1, 'Godefridus': 19, 'Reinardus': 1, 'Andrew': 1, 'Friederich': 3, 'Dientje': 3, 'Dederika': 2, 'Woltera': 1, 'Octavie': 2, 'Wouter': 86, 'Andrea': 3, 'Franciscs': 1, 'Digna': 4, 'Franc': 1, 'Coenraad': 62, 'Ids': 1, 'Arnold': 13, 'Kornelis': 9, 'Ido': 2, 'Lourina': 2, 'Arendina': 19, 'Berschijna': 3, 'Theodoor': 11, 'Ida': 89, 'Emile': 2, 'Constant': 4, 'Kerst': 2, 'Charles': 35, 'Jasperina': 1, 'Jarig': 3, 'Boudewine': 1, 'Bertha': 56, 'Diena': 12, 'Prijna': 1, 'Cristine': 1, 'Mathias': 2, 'Jelles': 1, 'Cecile': 1, 'Abeldina': 1, 'Nalida': 2, 'Germain': 1, 'Erasmus': 1, 'Batje': 6, 'Burg': 3, 'Hidde': 7, 'Frans': 91, 'Theodrous': 1, 'Dam': 1, 'Dorotheus': 3, 'Pieternellie': 1, 'Dominica': 3, 'Mozes': 9, 'Eulalia': 1, 'Adriannus': 1, 'Orelia': 1, 'Albertje': 1, 'Fraciscus': 1, 'Jurriaan': 2, 'Heiltje': 25, 'Estellina': 1, 'Georgette': 4, 'Abram': 19, 'Delia': 2, 'Hemica': 1, 'Kundra': 1, 'Geeske': 1, 'Jophannes': 1, 'Rozalie': 1, 'Grietje': 79, 'George': 94, 'Suzanna': 53, 'Nellij': 13, 'Sander': 1, 'Dimpna': 1, 'Jans': 2, 'Nellie': 2, 'Willemina': 537, 'Adriuus': 1, 'Rem': 1, 'Jane': 4, 'Bert': 3, 'Alina': 2, 'Krijn': 31, 'Aline': 1, 'Wolfgang': 5, 'Pietertje': 14, 'Hendrinus': 4, 'Francis': 3, 'Emma': 38, 'Wobbina': 1, 'Simonida': 1, 'Alexandrina': 2, 'Alieda': 1, 'David': 66, 'Wilhelmus': 765, 'Theodorus': 582, 'Jentina': 1, 'Ina': 1, 'Francesco': 1, 'Jozef': 5, 'Lidia': 5, 'Lijdia': 11, 'Gelina': 1, 'Isaak': 27, 'Friedrich': 18, 'Isaac': 27, 'Leufinus': 1, 'Sibilla': 2, 'Sebastiana': 2, 'Tonia': 7, 'Marrigje': 7, 'August': 18, 'Tamme': 1, 'Hendrikus': 360, 'Wijndelt': 1, 'Diderikus': 1, 'Clemens': 4, 'Stephenus': 1, 'Iwan': 1, 'Bastiaantje': 22, 'Robertus': 36, 'Eva': 29, 'Rebekka': 9, 'Jozeph': 6, 'Ortje': 1, 'Neeltje': 339, 'Gerarda': 174, 'Gillis': 3, 'Bram': 1, 'Emmerentiana': 1, 'Roeland': 15, 'Saraffino': 1, 'Stevina': 1, 'Ankje': 1, 'Philomena': 1, 'Johann': 48, 'Lodewica': 1, 'Bartel': 1, 'Koosje': 3, 'Johana': 8, 'Wafke': 1, 'Gertrude': 3, 'Gertruda': 2, 'Hortensia': 1, 'Aart': 62, 'Roelf': 2, 'Gerhardine': 1, 'Gerhardina': 3, 'Hijlkjen': 1, 'Anthon': 6, 'Walter': 9, 'Tymen': 1, 'Fransciscus': 1, 'Cunagonda': 1, 'Magrinus': 1, 'Balthazar': 1, 'Hel\xc3\xa8ne': 1, 'Everhard': 2, 'Gysberdina': 1, 'Justus': 2, 'Quirina': 10, 'Lambertus': 137, 'Martin': 5, 'Sijbrand': 2, 'Nijs': 3, 'Gijsbertha': 20, 'Anthonnetha': 1, 'Clemencia': 1, 'Briene': 1, 'Geurt': 6, 'Gerretje': 2, 'Jeann': 1, 'Jacobina': 1, 'Jeane': 7, 'Carelina': 1, 'Fenno': 1, 'Mels': 3, 'Anthonus': 1, 'Wentel': 1, 'Jan': 1200, 'Hester': 37, 'Elias': 18, 'Aagje': 42, 'Margrieta': 3, 'Elisabetha': 6, 'Josefina': 3, 'Matje': 2, 'Wijfje': 1, 'Marintje': 1, 'Hijpolijte': 1, 'Cosmus': 2, 'Fredrikus': 2, 'Jurg': 4, 'Gradus': 3, 'Auguste': 6, 'Augusta': 13, 'Casparus': 12, 'Angenita': 26, 'Olke': 1, 'Aloijs': 2, 'Steijntje': 1, 'Josephus': 172, 'Benedictus': 3, 'Egidius': 5, 'Huibrecht': 3, 'Jeroen': 2, 'Antonuis': 1, 'Fjauke': 1, 'Sytje': 2, 'Margareta': 2, 'Hadewij': 1, 'Margareth': 1, 'Jobje': 5, 'Eugenio': 1, 'Eugenia': 3, 'Caroline': 11, 'Eugenie': 5, 'Daniellena': 1, 'Jurrie': 2, 'Elizabeth': 564, 'Gerbert': 1, 'Therese': 1, 'Reinadina': 1, 'Jahan': 1, 'Job': 13, 'Rosalina': 1, 'Floris': 12, 'Gijsberta': 62, 'Agnieta': 4, 'Lodewicus': 2, 'Mauritius': 3, 'Marien': 1, 'Dieuwertje': 5, 'Luigi': 1, 'Wilhelmijn': 2, 'Huybregt': 1, 'Ingenieta': 3, 'Catharia': 1, 'Gerlacus': 1, 'Eric': 1, 'Adelaide': 1, 'Geradus': 1, 'Gilla': 1, 'Herberdina': 1, 'Gottlieb': 1, 'Coert': 2, 'Meintje': 1, 'Margarieta': 1, 'Wigbertus': 1, 'Lijda': 1, 'Everdiena': 3, 'Levi': 1, 'Margarteha': 1, 'Nicolaus': 2, 'Rochus': 5, 'Abramina': 1, 'Reinoldus': 1, 'Zwaantje': 1, 'Jetske': 1, 'Margarita': 2, 'Marina': 8, 'Sijbrandina': 1, 'Christophorius': 1, 'Eugen': 3, 'Wilelmina': 1, 'Ijnske': 1, 'Jophia': 1, 'Corneille': 2, 'Teresa': 1, 'Herman': 82, 'Lodewijik': 1, 'Hubert': 2, 'Henderica': 6, 'Rensje': 4, 'Pappo': 1, 'Court': 2, 'Areina': 1, 'Tiemen': 2, 'Gfrederik': 1, 'Claina': 1, 'Lusie': 1, 'Diderika': 7, 'Wiecher': 1, 'Jentjen': 1, 'Machiel': 39, 'Gijs': 1, 'Pleuna': 2, 'Ebertje': 1, 'Alexius': 1, 'Annegie': 1, 'Duifje': 6, 'Huibregt': 7, 'Engeltje': 13, 'Marretje': 3, 'Constantina': 3, 'Raphaella': 1, 'Lamertus': 1, 'Belia': 4, 'Hillegina': 3, 'Wobbechiena': 1, 'Geerdina': 2, 'Domina': 1, 'Bernardina': 49, 'Harmannus': 1, 'Wiberen': 1, 'Gerdiena': 1, 'Leuntje': 2, 'Tannetje': 1, 'Engeloina': 1, 'Wijbre': 1, 'Urmina': 2, 'Coenradus': 9, 'Theresia': 70, 'Leintje': 1, 'Alijntje': 1, 'Roland': 1, 'Wenzel': 1, 'Stephen': 1, 'Dingenis': 2, 'Eelke': 1, 'Adriaus': 1, 'Fijtje': 1, 'Geesbartha': 1, 'Mimi': 1, 'Elizabertus': 3, 'L\xc3\xbcppo': 1, 'Sietske': 5, 'Japke': 1, 'Huijberta': 1, 'Louis': 94, 'Franciena': 1, 'Hubrecht': 1, 'Koenraad': 2, 'Martje': 1, 'Felix': 9, 'Mechtelina': 3, 'Tjitske': 2, 'Ettina': 1, 'Florentine': 1, 'Elzina': 2, 'Femmetje': 4, 'Gozewina': 2, 'Melchior': 5, 'Baukjen': 1, 'Reinardina': 1, 'Hendricka': 1, 'Mithabeth': 1, 'Arentje': 1, 'Doesje': 1, 'Airn\xc3\xa9e': 1, 'Steintje': 1, 'Geertrudes': 2, 'Mathea': 1, 'Thonis': 1, 'Christien': 1, 'Jacomijna': 1, 'Albertha': 1, 'Mageltje': 1, 'Luitje': 3, 'Jonas': 2, 'Alberdinus': 1, 'Rempje': 1, 'Debora': 4, 'Rosina': 10, 'Gerardina': 81, 'Teunis': 82, 'Catharima': 1, 'Constanstyn': 1, 'Berdiena': 1, 'Roelfina': 2, 'Constance': 2, 'Aagie': 1, 'Woutrina': 1, 'Marthe': 1, 'Egidus': 1, 'Jurri\xc3\xabn': 1, 'Florence': 1, 'Magritha': 1, 'Reindert': 8, 'Felica': 1, 'Cornelius': 15, 'Weijert': 1, 'Filippus': 2, 'Lammert': 4, 'Roeltje': 1, 'Gijsbertus': 202, 'Everentia': 1, 'Hentje': 1, 'Karolina': 3, 'Jannemie': 1, 'Melanie': 1, 'Klaasje': 3, 'Bartus': 1, 'Renske': 2, 'Aplonia': 1, 'Berber': 2, 'Hendricus': 448, 'Eelco': 1, 'Laurentia': 3, 'Gerrendina': 1, 'Saraah': 1, 'Berta': 4, 'Agatha': 256, 'Vincent': 1, 'Barbara': 60, 'Judocus': 2, 'Loise': 1, 'Hesterina': 1, 'Afie': 2, 'Fija': 2, 'Wouterus': 15, 'Mensie': 1, 'Sierk': 1, 'Dick': 1, 'Metje': 6, 'Isra\xc3\xabl': 1, 'Berendje': 1, 'Susanne': 1, 'Susanna': 88, 'Israel': 2, 'Henderikus': 4, 'Jeltje': 7, 'Nimia': 4, 'Fr\xc3\xa9d\xc3\xa9ric': 1, 'Woutherus': 5, 'Carol': 1, 'Simonis': 1, 'Everhardus': 3, 'Antoni': 1, 'Genius': 1, 'Oense': 2, 'Hubertus': 131, 'Barend': 45, 'Bernhardus': 1, 'Aderianus': 1, 'Huibert': 35, 'Janna': 33, 'Bavo': 1, 'Rommoldus': 1, 'Hermandus': 1, 'Janne': 1, 'Anje': 1, 'Arius': 3, 'Machteltje': 3, 'Aielktje': 1, 'Plona': 1, 'Gosewijn': 2, 'Francosia': 1, 'Hieronimus': 1, 'Sikko': 1, 'Servaas': 3, 'Sandrina': 1, 'Quirin': 1, 'Valerian': 1, 'Francisca': 77, 'Ariska': 1, 'Rozier': 1, 'Giel': 2, 'Adolphe': 2, 'Gerhard': 6, 'Berzina': 3, 'Dingeman': 1, 'Douwe': 8, 'Koos': 1, 'Aloisius': 3, 'Renesta': 1, 'Janneke': 5, 'Gijsbertje': 1, 'Adrien': 2, 'Irmel': 1, 'Anthonius': 471, 'Ebe': 1, 'Wilem': 1, 'Augustus': 1, 'Izabella': 3, 'Antoinetta': 28, 'Dionijsia': 2, 'Antoinette': 18, 'Menefrida': 1, 'Wynand': 1, 'Mari': 1, 'Mart': 1, 'Engel': 12, 'Andries': 325, 'Alfred': 2, 'Hartog': 5, 'Erkje': 1, 'Mary': 3, 'Damiana': 1, 'Geessien': 1, 'Reijger': 1, 'Ambrosius': 1, 'Jacomijntje': 7, 'Lyntje': 1, 'Berend': 3, 'Cornelus': 8, 'Plonia': 1, 'Afdriana': 1, 'Alijda': 9, 'Mattheus': 88, 'Willemyntje': 2, 'Jaantje': 20, 'Gerrt': 1, 'Leonarda': 4, 'Niesje': 10, 'Tanka': 1, 'Leonardo': 3, 'Gertrudes': 1, 'Christoph': 2, 'Geertruy': 6, 'Elzelina': 10, 'Huipje': 1, 'Hendrietta': 1, 'Vintcent': 3, 'Wijpkjen': 2, 'Sandrinus': 1, 'Geertrui': 84, 'Gerritdina': 4, 'Petronela': 2, 'Nicoletta': 1, 'Folkert': 1, 'Wihelmina': 2, 'Jette': 1, 'Ketura': 1, 'Pietje': 24, 'Margaritha': 11, 'Ada': 5, 'Ewald': 1, 'Otte': 5, 'Petronelli': 1, 'Anneke': 5, 'Petronella': 801, 'Abrajetta': 1, 'Trinus': 1, 'Curina': 1, 'Allard': 1, 'Aartje': 30, 'Lucovicus': 1, 'Rombertus': 6, 'Gerda': 1, 'Marijn': 2, 'Adelieth': 1, 'Engelbertus': 31, 'Izak': 7, 'Abradina': 5, 'Allegonda': 29, 'Joanna': 94, 'A\xc3\xa4ron': 1, 'Dieuwke': 1, 'Cors': 1, 'Gouda': 2, 'Louisa': 144, 'Louise': 51, 'Elsje': 17, 'Catharinus': 5, 'Antoon': 39, 'Engelbertha': 3, 'Klorus': 1, 'Camillo': 1, 'Fettje': 1, 'Widelina': 1, 'Annes': 1, 'Allegonada': 1, 'Bartje': 1, 'Gerret': 1, 'Femmigje': 1, 'Magritta': 1, 'Leopoldus': 1, 'Jakoba': 7, 'Thijs': 4, 'Jospeh': 1, 'Berthus': 1, 'WilhelmusTheodorus': 1, 'Gezina': 22, 'Gesina': 27, 'Walraad': 1, 'Gerbrandina': 1, 'Huijbertus': 2, 'Jaqueline': 1, 'Jantina': 3, 'Heugenia': 1, 'Pietternella': 1, 'Florus': 2, 'Gilloudina': 5, 'Aldoph': 1, 'Hendrik': 1609, 'Leffman': 1, 'Godefrida': 6, 'Urbania': 1, 'Ella': 4, 'Christiana': 12, 'J\xc3\xb6an': 1, 'Korstiaan': 2, 'Jurrianus': 1, 'Corn\xc3\xa9lie': 2, 'Lammechien': 1, 'Minke': 2, 'Agataha': 1, 'Wiebren': 1, 'Obbe': 2, 'Hijmen': 2, 'Meinsje': 2, 'Kommer': 8, 'Rijmpje': 2, 'Akke': 1, 'Gerridina': 1, 'Jitske': 1, 'Stoffer': 1, 'Christaan': 1, 'Regardus': 1, 'Dominicus': 30, 'Gabri\xc3\xabl': 1, 'Stoffel': 1, 'Willemien': 1, 'Carlo': 1, 'Joppina': 1, 'Dimphina': 1, 'Pouliena': 1, 'Georg': 12, 'Betje': 11, 'Sijbregje': 1, 'Gelske': 2, 'Annegien': 2, 'Ludwina': 2, 'Hendina': 1, 'Pieterdina': 1, 'Giovanni': 1, 'Aldegonda': 4, 'Harmen': 14, 'Herberta': 1, 'Arnoldus': 231, 'Barthold': 1, 'Arend': 119, 'Susan': 1, 'Claartje': 2, 'Aagtje': 1, 'Guilelmus': 1, 'Petrus': 1093, 'Arthur': 3, 'Miga\xc3\xabl': 1, 'Arent': 8, 'Arina': 9, 'Leonora': 9, 'Reinder': 6, 'Justine': 1, 'Clara': 83, 'Gerrebrand': 2, 'Justina': 4, 'Eliesabeth': 1, 'Diederika': 12, 'Joan': 2, 'Victor': 8, 'Ewoud': 5, 'Roosje': 2, 'Lodewyk': 1, 'Daatje': 3, 'D\xc3\xa9sir\xc3\xa9': 1, 'Angenietha': 5, 'Cord': 3, 'Pieter': 1873, 'Kommerinus': 1, 'Sija': 6, 'Tobias': 15, 'Geert': 4, 'Dani\xc3\xabl': 4, 'Dionisius': 1, 'Frits': 17, 'Atze': 1, 'Kunegonda': 4, 'Luite': 1, 'Martijntje': 14, 'Ludewina': 4, 'Alberdina': 43, 'Hilligje': 3, 'Kornelia': 3, 'Magtilda': 3, 'Rijkje': 1, 'Hilberdina': 1, 'Gijsberdina': 3, 'Gijsberthje': 1, 'Gerharda': 4, 'Rouwa': 1, 'Nelius': 1, 'Engelberta': 2, 'Caspar': 7, 'Josephina': 59, 'Barbertje': 1, 'Ettje': 1, 'Daan': 1, 'Hillechien': 1, 'Henderientje': 2, 'Alphons': 3, 'Meinard': 1, 'Ynskje': 1, 'Hermine': 8, 'Hermina': 97, 'Bondina': 1, 'Amelius': 2, 'Bastian': 1, 'Geertrudis': 2, 'Lidewij': 1, 'Alardus': 1, 'Emil': 5, 'Eefje': 1, 'Corstiaan': 23, 'Rudolphus': 3, 'Doe': 2, 'Remerdina': 1, 'Sophie': 8, 'Johan': 621, 'Sophia': 266, 'Bertus': 37, 'Marqaretha': 1, 'Zacharias': 2, 'Immetje': 3, 'Gordina': 1, 'Ang\xc3\xa9lique': 1, 'Rokes': 1, 'Frederike': 1, 'Alphonse': 1, 'Frederika': 94, 'Dorothea': 65, 'Theunis': 8, 'Reinierus': 2, 'Benjamin': 13, 'Sibertus': 1, 'Ijsbrand': 9, 'Harmanna': 3, 'Adrianus': 1221, 'Egbertus': 17, 'Stoffelina': 3, 'Wiebre': 1, 'Grietha': 2, 'Emmerijnsje': 1, 'Mariette': 1, 'Gijzina': 3, 'Adrianua': 1, 'Mijndert': 2, 'Emmerentia': 3, 'Gojarus': 1, 'Michael': 13, 'Aletta': 34, 'Wilemina': 1, 'Geertruida': 738, 'Aafie': 1, 'Agata': 3, 'Albartus': 1, 'Cathrina': 4, 'Vrouwkje': 1, 'Mergie': 1, 'Melis': 3, 'Apolonius': 6, 'Rederus': 1, 'Mietje': 4, 'Berdina': 27, 'Isaka': 1, 'Rudolphius': 1, 'Philippus': 110, 'Joseph': 205, 'Constantinus': 6, 'Cosina': 1, 'Guillaume': 8, 'Agnetha': 2, '\\johana': 1, 'Marten': 6, 'Willebrord': 1, 'Annechien': 1, 'Eduardina': 2, 'Samuel': 61, 'Nelly': 8, 'Henrica': 18, 'Ariaantje': 15, 'Lijntje': 8, 'Ottheline': 1, 'Sprinsie': 1, 'Josephine': 13, 'Josephind': 1, 'Eustatius': 3, 'Godert': 1, 'Mecca': 1, 'Renso': 1, 'Hugo': 64, 'Mechlina': 1, 'Huibertus': 15, 'Euphrosina': 1, 'Cornstantina': 1, 'Rein': 1, 'Betsij': 3, 'Arrigie': 1, 'Quirinus': 33, 'Neelis': 1, 'Klaartje': 3, 'Chrstiaan': 1, 'Jeremias': 16, 'Metta': 1, 'Justin': 1, 'Eliazar': 3, 'Toontje': 1, 'Dingara': 1, 'Gijsbregt': 4, 'Marritje': 1, 'Reinira': 1, 'Huig': 2, 'Angenieta': 32, 'Matthieu': 2, 'Leijntje': 1, 'Elise': 8, 'Lenis': 2, 'Elisa': 8, 'Mensje': 9, 'Conelis': 2, 'Geziena': 1, 'Lammerdina': 3, 'Hijlkje': 1, 'Kasper': 7, 'Ridderus': 4, 'Henriette': 71, 'Liekele': 1, 'Norbertus': 3, 'Lygina': 1, 'Virginie': 2, 'Lucie': 4, 'Lucia': 24, 'Marijtje': 8, 'Ange': 1, 'Haring': 1, 'Immelina': 1, 'Leopold': 1, 'Rudolphe': 1, 'Ceel': 1, 'Pietr': 1, 'Agnetta': 1, 'Martine': 1, 'Emerence': 1, 'Henndrik': 1, 'Martina': 150, 'Nathalie': 2, 'Aaldina': 1, 'Jaocb': 1, 'Megchelina': 3, 'Giuseppe': 1, 'Bastina': 1, 'CornelisTheodorus': 1, 'Pieta': 1, 'Aaltje': 95, 'Augustina': 3, 'Julien': 2, 'Augustine': 1, 'Timon': 1, 'Adewy': 1, 'Koert': 1, 'Cornelie': 11, 'Cornelia': 1976, 'Fredrich': 1, 'Ides': 1, 'Liena': 1, 'Hippolytus': 1, 'Eiltje': 3, 'Bartha': 15, 'Goverinus': 4, 'Jesina': 1, 'Samu\xc3\xabl': 2, 'Frederikus': 10, 'Odelia': 1, 'Victorine': 2, 'Floortje': 1, 'Dijmphna': 3, 'Francois': 11, 'Aafje': 22, 'Jakob': 11, 'Jaen': 1, 'Davina': 2, 'Theodore': 3, 'Theodora': 323, 'Christiane': 1, 'Dirk': 791, 'Algonda': 1, 'Agenietha': 1, 'Aaldert': 1, 'Gijsje': 8, 'Bastianus': 8, 'Margot': 2, 'Paulina': 79, 'Pauline': 7, 'Lambarta': 1, 'Gerredina': 2, 'Odilia': 4, 'Daniel': 152, 'Hermanna': 2, 'Keetje': 5, 'Jopje': 1, 'Fusina': 1, 'Fenneke': 1, 'Geertruij': 51, 'Johannna': 2, 'Fop': 1, 'Matthijs': 121, 'Baltus': 3, 'Baaltje': 1, 'Lowize': 1, 'Margretha': 2, 'Beatrijs': 1, 'Ad\xc3\xa8le': 2, 'Judith': 11, 'Allardus': 2, 'Friederik': 1, 'Colletta': 1, 'Isabella': 7, 'Rijna': 1, 'Isabelle': 2, 'Georgine': 1, 'Janus': 3, 'Wijve': 1, 'Annie': 3, 'Jo\xc3\xa4n': 1, 'Marcelus': 2, 'Ludivig': 1, 'Paulowina': 1, 'Niklaas': 1, 'Harm': 7, 'Willempje': 8, 'Reinhard': 1, 'Saapke': 1, 'Reinerus': 1, 'Impje': 1, 'Boudewijn': 5, 'Heijndrina': 1, 'Rosetta': 1, 'Louter': 2, 'Benardus': 1, 'Leontine': 1, 'Sietje': 1, 'Jenetta': 5, 'Willij': 1, 'Stephan': 1, 'Miethabeth': 1, 'Aleida': 19, 'Aleide': 1, 'Henrij': 6, 'Gilles': 19, 'Carl': 21, 'Huijbert': 1, 'Armand': 2, 'Casina': 1, 'Agetta': 1, 'Sieske': 1, 'Nardus': 5, 'Truus': 2, 'Didericus': 2, 'Harriet': 1, 'Guurtje': 1, 'Diedericus': 2, 'Michel': 8, 'Meindert': 6, 'Dina': 137, 'Rachel': 4, 'Heindrika': 1, 'Johanees': 1, 'Menksie': 1, 'Hadewiena': 1, 'Antje': 158, 'Koba': 1, 'Fransje': 2, 'Gepke': 1, 'Celestine': 1, 'Celestina': 4, 'Izaac': 3, 'Willemijntje': 23, 'Izaak': 17, 'Conelia': 1, 'Antonnette': 1, 'Esther': 5, 'Heyntje': 1, 'Barendiena': 1, 'Lieuwe': 2, 'Lubertus': 7, 'Renskje': 1, 'Frederic': 2, 'Frederik': 310, 'Aalijda': 1, 'Heildinus': 1, 'Juste': 1, 'Rokus': 5, 'Jaques': 1, 'Ingenita': 2, 'Agidius': 2, 'Jacbous': 1, 'Coenrarda': 2, 'Isak': 2, 'Antonetta': 38, 'Antonette': 4, 'Joost': 8, 'Bardina': 2, 'Rozina': 2, 'Janske': 1, 'Douphina': 2, 'Carolus': 31, 'Adeline': 1, 'Karl': 3, 'Bernarda': 1, 'Henderina': 34, 'Rensina': 1, 'Jochem': 1, 'Rutgerus': 5, 'Renson': 4, 'Bernard': 26, 'Cordula': 1, 'Bernhard': 10, 'Dorethea': 1, 'Engelina': 116, 'Arnoldina': 16, 'Deliana': 2, 'Kryn': 1, 'Lubartus': 1, 'Poulus': 3, 'Etje': 1, 'Christopher': 1, 'Huiberta': 4, 'Orselina': 1, 'Grata': 1, 'Jansje': 142, 'Artois': 1, 'Trinette': 1, 'Bote': 1, 'Kommertje': 2, 'Madeleine': 1, 'Jonatan': 1, 'Eugenius': 1, 'Maximiliaan': 12, 'Arondina': 1, 'Froukje': 4, 'Pleuntje': 10, 'Hendrica': 171, 'Lyda': 1, 'Marijnus': 5, 'Hendrick': 1, 'Poulina': 3, 'Engelena': 1, 'Rika': 4, 'Hyman': 1, 'Alberta': 22, 'Mijntje': 9, 'Francijntje': 1, 'Jorinus': 1, 'Bernardus': 366, 'Aafke': 2, 'Liedewij': 1, 'Marianus': 1, 'Frederica': 20, 'Frank': 20, 'Aleijda': 1, 'Yda': 15, 'Lubbertus': 3, 'Franz': 1, 'Jasper': 19, 'Antonia': 159, 'Rosalia': 8, 'Antonie': 40, 'Rosalie': 2, 'Dammes': 1, 'Antonij': 4, 'Antonio': 1, 'Marieke': 1, 'Bertina': 1, 'Gysbert': 1, 'Alphonsus': 9, 'Hendrientje': 3, 'Mekka': 4, 'Sijbe': 2, 'Bart': 22, 'Catherina': 3, 'Francicus': 3, 'Catherine': 3, 'Klazina': 17, 'Michiel': 22, 'Namina': 1, 'Laurentina': 2, 'Christiaan': 370, 'Simon': 312, 'Hillegondus': 1, 'Maira': 3, 'Soetje': 2, 'Fran\xc3\xa7ois': 34, 'Paulus': 139, 'Jurrig': 1, 'Dorus': 3, 'Ruth': 2, 'Anthoni': 1, 'Conrad': 1, 'Anthona': 1, 'Barta': 1, 'Emertiana': 1, 'Reijntje': 1, 'Anthony': 11, 'Sybrandus': 1, 'Josina': 153, 'Evert': 73, 'Segerinus': 1, 'Katharina': 21, 'Herbertus': 1, 'Henri\xc3\xabttha': 1, 'Jilles': 8, 'Lamichina': 1, 'Lolke': 1, 'Siebout': 1, 'Isac': 2, 'Tomma': 1, 'Cornelis': 2268, 'Lijsje': 1, 'Josephinus': 1, 'Leon': 4, 'Krijntje': 12, 'Barbera': 3, 'Helena': 870, 'Pascal': 1, 'Jolle': 1, 'Helene': 2, 'Hermanus': 465, 'Pleundert': 2, 'Azuerus': 2, 'Hielktje': 1, 'Ingetta': 1, 'Aegidius': 1, 'Gerdina': 42, 'Edward': 2, 'Wesselina': 2, 'Luise': 1, 'Mechiel': 1, 'Berrendina': 3, 'Hompes': 1, 'Jobina': 6, 'Max': 3, 'Casparina': 3, 'nan': 673, 'Jannetje': 355, 'Maartje': 118, 'Heinrich': 23, 'Adewei': 2, 'Ari\xc3\xabtte': 1, 'Barnardus': 1, 'Mechteltje': 2, 'Julius': 10, 'Hulda': 2, 'Denijs': 2, 'Roeloffina': 2, 'Juriana': 7, 'Vincentius': 2, 'Meggelina': 2, 'Elzien': 1, 'Richardus': 2, 'Stephanus': 38, 'Margreta': 1, 'Jouke': 4, 'Damis': 1, 'Aurali\xc3\xa9': 1, 'Geetruida': 1, 'Nicolaas': 679, 'Bregitta': 2, 'Betsy': 6, 'Huike': 3, 'Cateau': 1, 'Stijntje': 13, 'Brenardina': 1, 'Angelina': 1, 'Sabina': 1, 'Angeline': 1, 'Fredericus': 14, 'Remko': 2, 'Antthonia': 1, 'Gerida': 1, 'Nanning': 11, 'Pieternelletje': 2, 'Cronelis': 1, 'Seraphina': 4, 'Baligje': 1, 'Charlotte': 13, 'Charlotta': 10, 'Everdus': 1, 'Jannetta': 5, 'Sietze': 1, 'Jannette': 1, 'Enoch': 1, 'Masje': 1, 'Alphonsine': 1, 'Reijnier': 2, 'Katje': 1, 'Reikske': 1, 'Adianus': 1, 'Chr\xc3\xa9tien': 1, 'Valerius': 1, 'Gustave': 1, 'Luigia': 1, 'Wilhelm': 88, 'Lodewijk': 118, 'Adri\xc3\xabtta': 1, 'Martinus': 456, 'Mergje': 4, 'Beatrix': 1, 'Lina': 6, 'Hubertha': 4, 'Salomo': 2, 'Margit': 1, 'Georgina': 7, 'Juliaan': 1, 'Jorine': 1, 'Adammina': 3, 'Lilie': 1, 'Lodevicus': 4, 'Margie': 2, 'Wijbren': 2, 'Alois': 1, 'Everardina': 1, 'Hendrina': 241, 'Tanna': 1, 'Rijnanduste': 1, 'Evertus': 1, 'Reiniera': 4, 'Leentje': 38, 'Reinier': 102, 'Klara': 4, 'Robert': 7, 'Pouline': 1, 'Ferdinanda': 3, 'Kundertje': 5, 'Wijnanda': 16, 'Nico': 7, 'Lena': 124, 'Lamberta': 17, 'Lend': 1, 'Rubert': 1, 'Gerardus': 1108, 'Dolphina': 1, 'Franke': 1, 'Gysbertha': 1, 'Egberdina': 2, 'Gerardum': 2, 'Wijnand': 20, 'Librecht': 1, 'Arnolda': 24, 'Kors': 1, 'Eduardiena': 1, 'Fennannij': 1, 'Hendericus': 8, 'Rijk': 2, 'Ermelindes': 1, 'Berendina': 16, 'AdrianusPetrus': 1, 'Godefricus': 1, 'Frederiscus': 1, 'Anthoinetta': 3, 'Corstianus': 9, 'Elviera': 1, 'Klasina': 14, 'Boukien': 1, 'Zeno\xc3\xafde': 1, 'Aernoudt': 1, 'Rijnandus': 6, 'Timotheus': 2, 'Tekela': 1, 'Cato': 13, 'Ludovicus': 35, 'Elisaeth': 1, 'Pleun': 16, 'L\xc3\xa9on': 1, 'Magdelena': 1, 'Christinus': 4, 'Albertus': 236, 'Sasje': 1, 'Wiggerina': 1, 'Philipp': 5, 'Augustinus': 35, 'Geertuda': 1, 'Alexis': 6, 'Rocus': 12, 'Emerentiana': 1, 'Larvina': 1, 'Ingrid': 1, 'Teuna': 6, 'Andr\xc3\xa9': 11, 'Anthonicus': 1, 'Hertha': 1, 'Kuinnira': 1, 'Adriaan': 121, 'Anthoon': 1, 'Leoarda': 1, 'Regina': 44, 'Isaline': 1, 'Mathieu': 1, 'Hendricas': 1, 'Hermana': 2, 'Hermann': 6, 'Magdalene': 1, 'Cecilia': 22, 'Trientje': 1, 'Kreina': 1, 'Leena': 6, 'Petronell': 1, 'Jennie': 1, 'Cosmas': 1, 'Caecilia': 1, 'Gerrigje': 3, 'Jennij': 2, 'Ernestina': 2, 'Sina': 2, 'Aalbertje': 1, 'Alfredina': 1, 'Johanes': 9, 'Ibe': 1, 'Herbert': 7, 'Joannes': 90, 'Pasquale': 1, 'Adam': 56, 'Isa\xc3\xa4k': 2, 'Hompers': 1, 'Noorberta': 1, 'Riempje': 1, 'Fennetje': 2, 'Emmanuel': 2, 'Embertus': 1, 'Jacobje': 1, 'Evertje': 2, 'Jakobus': 7, 'Geertruda': 14, 'Otto': 24, 'Sebilla': 4, 'Adrietta': 7, 'Celia': 5, 'Gregorius': 11, 'Eufemia': 1, 'Nathan': 2, 'Harmina': 1, 'Hubertine': 1, 'Johannis': 30, 'Hubertina': 6, 'Adolph': 16, 'Hilaire': 1, 'Hein': 2, 'Libertus': 1, 'Gustaaf': 9, 'Rembertus': 7, 'Theodor': 3, 'Aalbregt': 2, 'Mees': 34, 'Agnes': 46, 'Lijnis': 1, 'Jozephina': 2, 'Celius': 2, 'Juliana': 6, 'Grada': 9, 'Fridrich': 1, 'Juliane': 1, 'Gillaudina': 1, 'Fredric': 1, 'Damianus': 1, 'Fredrik': 24, 'Clementia': 12, 'Fulps': 1, 'Iza\xc3\xa4k': 1, 'Ymkje': 1, 'Erna': 1, 'Gerrtruida': 1, 'Geuchien': 1, 'Tjeblina': 1, 'Henderik': 7, 'Eduarda': 1, 'Catrina': 3, 'Polijcarpus': 1, 'Fras': 1, 'Aloijsia': 2, 'Evelina': 1, 'Margo': 1, 'Levie': 3, 'Dymphna': 1, 'Greta': 3, 'Rutger': 8, 'Egbart': 1, 'Waandert': 1, 'Bruin': 2, 'Lodewika': 1, 'Gijsbertina': 2, 'Matheus': 3, 'Hinderkien': 1, 'Lifert': 1, 'Duco': 2, 'Casper': 88, 'Peter': 48, 'Ludovieus': 1, 'Walterus': 1, 'Richard': 11, 'Levinus': 4, 'Clazina': 100, 'Leonardus': 442, 'Dinfina': 1, 'Gaudenzio': 1, 'Richart': 1, 'Pelgrim': 2, 'Ephraim': 1, 'Harmijntje': 1, 'Wijtze': 1, 'Hadriaan': 1, 'Fieke': 1, 'Gerhardus': 13, 'Wiggert': 3, 'Sijtje': 27, 'Jurianus': 7, 'Fotina': 1, 'Aartina': 1, 'Lucretia': 4, 'Everarda': 1, 'Emilius': 2, 'Ernst': 12, 'Abraham': 429, 'Antonet': 1, 'Jurrina': 2, 'Eleonora': 2, 'Jorina': 7, 'IJsbrand': 2, 'Aalbertus': 2, 'Ursela': 1, 'Damus': 1, 'Jurina': 1, 'Athos': 1, 'Gysbertus': 2, 'Heijnderijntje': 1, 'Hindricus': 1, 'Fenna': 3, 'Jacob': 589, 'Tilman': 1, 'Waltherus': 4, 'Urseline': 2, 'Saraffina': 1, 'Urselina': 1, 'Liedia': 1, 'Kees': 1, 'Apollonia': 3, 'Adriane': 1, 'Adriana': 1295, 'Marinis': 1, 'Rinkje': 1, 'Wessel': 3, 'Gehrard': 1, 'Matthias': 7, 'Arramina': 1, 'Matthys': 3, 'Adraina': 1, 'Bouwe': 3, 'Jaantina': 1, 'Levina': 1, 'Wijntje': 16, 'Aren': 1, 'Kuindert': 2, 'Ezau': 1, 'Antonius': 91, 'Joachim': 2, 'Elibertus': 1, 'Ares': 1, 'Sent': 4, 'Gysberta': 2, 'Bernardine': 1, 'Bouke': 1, 'Jule': 1, 'Hannes': 4, 'Nanne': 1, 'Chretien': 2, 'Govert': 17, 'Elbertha': 1, 'Harpert': 1, 'Dirkie': 1, 'Aron': 6, 'Catharija': 1, 'Eize': 2, 'Martienes': 1, 'Everina': 1, 'Annetje': 6, 'Errit': 1, 'Frijntje': 1, 'Margarethha': 1, 'Karolus': 2, 'Martijn': 1, 'Servatia': 1, 'Diderik': 1, 'Corrina': 1, 'Jakomina': 2, 'Aalbert': 19, 'Hillebrandus': 1, 'Hindrik': 1, 'Magiel': 1, 'Simeon': 1, 'Lili': 1, 'Barbetje': 1, 'Everdina': 66, 'Gijsbert': 53, 'Noach': 2, 'Mariena': 1, 'Wicher': 3, 'Guillamo': 1, 'Jozina': 9, 'Coenradina': 1, 'Ruurd': 1, 'Ingena': 2, 'Reimpje': 1, 'Henderika': 19, 'Flora': 4, 'Godefidus': 1, 'Jansie': 1, 'Erstina': 1, 'Lukas': 1, 'Elberdina': 1, 'Anthonij': 84, 'Anthonie': 200, 'Adriaantje': 15, 'Anthonia': 269, 'Lijgje': 2, 'Wijnandus': 21, 'Raffaela': 1, 'Ana': 1, 'Egebert': 1, 'Geertruidis': 1, 'Jacobus': 1877, 'Magteldje': 1, 'Naboth': 2, 'Johane': 1, 'Nannig': 1, 'Hendriena': 1, 'Berdinus': 1, 'Brigette': 1, 'Rudolph': 9, 'Nannij': 2, 'Jacoba': 1069, 'Ferdinand': 36, 'Karel': 223, 'Gerbina': 2, 'Anthonetta': 32, 'Ludovikus': 1, 'Anthonette': 2, 'Machieltje': 1, 'Ernesta': 1, 'Alletta': 1, 'Margrita': 1, 'Reinhold': 1, 'Judik': 2, 'Marcus': 18, 'Willebrordus': 27, 'Adrinus': 1, 'Marcelis': 12, 'Jetje': 3, 'Ugenia': 1, 'Lizette': 3, 'Sieka': 1, 'Marcelia': 2, 'Kaspar': 1, 'Angenetha': 6, 'Isa\xc3\xa4c': 4, 'Aloyse': 1, 'Julie': 5, 'Pierre': 11, 'Rijkert': 2, 'Femmi': 1, 'Femma': 4, 'Henderijntje': 2, 'Femme': 4, 'Geesje': 3, 'Friderich': 1, 'Meijer': 3, 'Finetta': 1, 'Wijna': 2, 'Roma': 1, 'Jenneken': 1, 'Jentje': 1, 'Diederica': 3, 'Kuintje': 1, 'Elbertus': 6, 'Ditlof': 1, 'Fas': 1, 'Sirach': 9, 'Eduard': 52, 'Huberta': 26, 'Lente': 1, 'Geelida': 1, 'Rozette': 1, 'Pauwlina': 1, 'Elselina': 2, 'Roelofje': 2, 'Elzalina': 1, 'Alyda': 2, 'Barendina': 62, 'Woutera': 1, 'Suson': 1, 'Caharina': 1, 'Gabe': 3, 'Wolter': 3, 'Marie': 98, 'Diderica': 2, 'Florina': 2, 'Kunnegonda': 1, 'Teuntje': 52, 'Reijer': 10, 'Roelof': 35, 'Clasina': 326, 'Mechelina': 4, 'Nelletje': 3, 'Phillippus': 1, 'Johannetta': 1, 'Joanes': 1, 'Julianus': 7, 'Lijgina': 1, 'Jonathan': 2, 'Frdinanda': 1, 'Dilfina': 1, 'Baukje': 2, 'Burgje': 10, 'Mithabet': 1, 'Kaatje': 11, 'Hiltje': 2, 'Erdina': 6, 'Juriaan': 3, 'Everardus': 61, 'Maud': 1, 'Rinske': 2, 'Fransina': 1, 'Willem': 1837, 'Martyntje': 1, 'Nicolasina': 1, 'Leenderd': 1, 'Henrikus': 4, 'Rudolphina': 1, 'Joris': 57, 'Rudolphine': 1, 'Riena': 2, 'Ambrosina': 1, 'Hesterdina': 1, 'Leendert': 657, 'Rosella': 2, 'Jenette': 1, 'Pedro': 1, 'Gerrardus': 1, 'Alberttha': 1, 'Afina': 1, 'Magda': 1, 'Margje': 19, 'Reinirus': 1, 'Adelgonde': 1, 'Fran\xc3\xa7ine': 1, 'Ellegina': 1, 'Lydia': 5, 'Balt': 1, 'Pauwlus': 1, 'Cahtarina': 1, 'Fransiskus': 1, 'Stansje': 4, 'Sjoukje': 2, 'Klaske': 1, 'Albertina': 17, 'Ivo': 1, 'Albertine': 5, 'Dirkje': 244, 'Lodovicus': 3, 'Chritianus': 1, 'Louwrens': 1, 'Huijbregt': 3, 'Fran\xc3\xa7oise': 2, 'Weintje': 2, 'Elsa': 1, 'Giles': 1, 'Andriena': 1, 'Marij': 2, 'Assuerus': 1, 'Carolina': 111, 'Maria': 5035, 'Fotiena': 1, 'Jordanis': 1, 'Hanna': 6, 'Frouke': 1, 'Willelmina': 1, 'Margrietha': 9, 'Theodoris': 1}

woensdag 25 januari 2017

datasets visualisation

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