maandag 20 juli 2009


Maidstone movement / Maidstonemethod: 1 op de 10 kinderen op publieke scholen in Groot Britanie kregen voor de tweede wereld oorlog viool les. De viool kon voor een aantrekkelijke prijs worden aangeschaft. Er zijn er periode: 1897-1939 Murdock en Murdock & co.: Importeerde violen vanuit Duitsland Gemaakt in 1880 - 1910 3/4 I have been told by a source which I cannot reveal, but whom I have no reason to doubt, that the Pilař family of Hradec Králové, Bohemia (now Czech Republic) supplied a great number of instruments to a company in the south of England around the turn of the century. I can think of no better candidate for this English company than Murdoch and Murdoch. It is, of course, possible that their records do not go back so far (especially in light of the Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia, 1948-1989) but one never knows.

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